

Why did we make Power Rangers: A Nightmare on Elm Street? Read this “About” page to understand the artistic statement behind this fan-made comic book crossover between Freddy Krueger and the Mighty Morphin’ teens.



TWO WORLDs. ONE Nightmare.

Power Rangers: A Nightmare on Elm Street is an exclusive comic book project created by adult fans for mature audiences only. 

Although it wasn’t made for profit, it was made to show how profitable Power Rangers legacy brands can be when targeted to the adult age demographic that grew up with them.

We believe there’s untapped potential in the Power Rangers brand that can capture the interest of adult fans beyond simple nostalgic appeal. 

By juxtaposing the optimism and wholesomeness of the original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers with the horrific yet darkly satirical attitude of the Nightmare on Elm Street franchise, we hope to give fans a glimpse of that potential.



Stephen Harber
portfolio: stephenharber.com
IG: onlywriterever


Francisco Silva Mauriz
portfolio: https://www.deviantart.com/kikomauriz
IG: kikomauriz


James Zark
portfolio: https://zikzark.myportfolio.com/
IG: zik_zark

Movie poster VARIANT COVER

Ryan Lindberg
portfolio: https://linktr.ee/rlindberg_art
IG: rlindberg_art